"Classical Christianity Engaging the World"
At St. Patrick's Anglican Church, we believe in the power of God's love, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We believe that through faith and prayer, we can overcome any obstacle and live a life of purpose and meaning.
We believe that worship is a powerful way to connect with God and experience His presence in our lives. Our worship services are both sacramental and scriptural using the traditions of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer
At St. Patrick's Anglican Church, we are dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to our community and beyond. Through our various ministries and programs, we strive to make a positive impact on the world around us.
Please join us on Sundays for our two in person services and our one online service.
8:00 AM - Traditional Holy Communion
10:00 AM - Traditional Holy Communion with Music
10:00 AM Facebook Live service.
Wednesday's we have a 6:00 PM - Traditional Holy Communion which can be attended Live or Streamed on Facebook Live. https://www.facebook.com/StPatspsj
Please join us Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday & Friday's for our 9:00 AM Morning Prayer with Fr. Tim. Morning Prayer is currently being Live Streamed on Facebook Live. https://www.facebook.com/StPatspsj
For a copy of the readings please go to http://www.commonprayer.org/
On Saturday October 5th bring your pet to St. Patrick's Anglican Church and receive a blessing. If you are unable to bring your pet, bring a picture, if your pet has gone over the rainbow bridge - bring them in your heart. Time is 4:00 PM on the west side in the shade.
On Saturday, October 5th at 6:00 PM join us in Dorman Hall as we welcome Samson from "Change Destiny in Africa" as we do a fundraising Spaghetti Dinner for this amazing ministry to orphan and displaced children in Africa. Suggested donation is $15.00 and children are free. Please call the church if you have any questions.
Church Workday is held on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Please join us for indoor and outdoor cleanup and projects anytime between 9am - 12pm. Fr. Chet provides his world famous gourmet hotdogs at 12pm.
On most Wednesday's of the month we are doing mini workday. Quick touchups in the church and parish hall. 8:00 AM-9:00AM. Come join the fun. We have coffee!!
Upcoming dates for our Saturday Work Day: September 21st. Come for an hour or the entire time or come and sit and support us . We have lots of inside and outside projects available.
Contact Linda Simmen for more information: 321-480-0927 or lsimmen@gmail.com. If you want to come and work at the church any other days or times - check the master calendar for scheduled events and give me a call.
Please join us for our Monthly Ladies Lunch Out (& Gentlemen too) . The next Lunch will be Sunday,
September 22nd - Tequila Veintiuno Mexican Cuisine - Cocoa Commons.
In October we will be going to Cocoa Village - German Restaurant to celebrate Octoberfest!
RSVP - Carolyn Kerouac if you plan to attend.
(203) 500-9098
All ladies in the church are welcome to attend our monthly Ladies Fellowship and Crafts Group on the 3rd Monday of the month in Dorman Hall. The next meetings are Monday, September 16th at 6:00 PM. Snacks and drinks provided. Please let Mandy know if you are attending so she can plan snacks.
Upcoming future dates is September 16th, and October 21st
All Veterans and Spouses as well as First Responders are welcome to join us for a hearty breakfast on the Last Saturday of the Month at 9:00 AM.
Upcoming Dates: September 28th.
See Fr. Chet for more information.
Sign up to hear about upcoming church services and events.
St. Patrick's Anglican Church
4797 Curtis Boulevard, Cocoa, Florida 32927, United States
Copyright © 2020 St. Patrick's Anglican Church - All Rights Reserved.
Any issues with website: stpatrickslpsj@gmail.com
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