4797 Curtis Blvd, Port St. John, FL 32927, US
Student Sunday School is on summer hiatus, we will have weekly coloring and worksheets in the narthex based on the Sunday gospel lessons for all students. These can also be found on the website under "Coloring and Worksheets" see link below.
Student Sunday School will restart on Sunday September 8th. We will continue our Children's Church on the 2nd Sunday of the month in the St. Brigid Chapel.
For more information about our Anglican based program which includes; The Old Testament, New Testament, Saints, and Anglican Foundations please feel free to contact us and review our 2024-2025 lesson plan. https://stpatrickspsj.org/sunday-school-reference
Sunday School is open to all Children and Teens in 1st to 8th grade. Children and Teens leave the service prior to sermon and return at communion.
If you are a parent or grandparent and would like to have access to our Sunday School Material, please email us at the link below.
*Currently we have no nursery or program for children younger than 1st grade.
St. Patrick's Anglican Church
4797 Curtis Boulevard, Cocoa, Florida 32927, United States
Copyright © 2020 St. Patrick's Anglican Church - All Rights Reserved.
Any issues with website: stpatrickslpsj@gmail.com
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